Is It End?
Well, umm, hello? Jadi, untuk tahun ini, gue akan mempercepat tradisi menulis kenangan selama satu tahun menjadi tanggal 30 Desember karena besok harus masak dan gue nggak yakin apakah besok keinginan untuk menulis ini masih ada:') So, before i start it, i want to say sorry if there's any typo or messed up because honestly, i really don't know what to write and what to share to you guys. I don't have any memorable memories to write down and actually i write here just because the fuckin tradition that i made myself. Gue gaakan nulis panjang lebar karena gue untuk pertama kalinya selama 5 tahun, tidak menulis jurnal apapun dari tanggal 1 Januari - 30 Desember ini. So here i am, just write down everything as long as i remembered. I'm sorry hehe. I start 2017 as usual, waking up in early afternoon and just doing my activity like usual. Nothing special with my new year every single year since i born. I also spent my entire life in 2017 as normal people used to spent...