When my emotion can not controlled

"When my emotion can't controlled? Well,i will cry. I will scream like a crazy girl. I hurt everythings around me. And then,i keep in silent,and cry. Emotion... Yeah,that's a difficult problem for me. Maybe,for everyone,it's very simple to handdle it. But for me? WOW! It's a VERY DIFFICULT problem that i have to handle. I'm i girl that have a high emotion. I'm a moody gitl,too. When i was cry,i can laugh if someone tells a joke for make me fun. But then,maybe i'll cry again. I often say a BAD things to everyone,including my best friend,or...... my teacher :"D Yeah.... That's what my problem now. I was caughted see the book when exam. Feels like..... That's my last second in the earth. My heart beats so fast. I want cry,but i can't. I very scared. After the schools hours was done, i go to my homeroom with my friend.Rasthiti,to tell the truth. And what i do? I was cry again. I said sorry to my homeroom,Mr.Sugeng. And,how kind he is,he said that he apologized us. Me,and Rasthiti. I said that i was very scared if my art teacher will tell to all of the teachers in my school,and finally,every teachers don't trust me anymore. But,Mr.Sugeng said that everythings gonna be alright. Yeahh... That's my BAD STORY in this afternoon. The most important is, i love my God. Jesu Christ. He always help me,and keep me. He still care of me. Thank you my beloved God :"D I love you so much."


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